
Terms and Conditions


(untuk jenis Infrastructure as a Service)

Syarat dan Ketentuan ini hanya berlaku bagi Pelanggan CBNCloud, sebagaimana yang terdaftar didalam Formulir Pendaftaran CBNCloud, dengan demikian Pelanggan bersedia untuk mentaati peraturan dan ketentuan yang berlaku dalam penggunaan fasilitas Layanan yang disediakan oleh CBNCloud, dengan ketentuan-ketentuan sebagai berikut:

Pasal 1

“CBNCloud” merupakan Perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang Cloud Computing yang didirikan berdasarkan peraturan dan ketentuan yang berlaku di Negara Republik Indonesia, dalam hal ini bertindak sebagai penyedia jasa Layanan yang diperlukan oleh Pelanggan berdasarkan Formulir Pendaftaran yang diterima oleh CBNCloud
“CBNCloud Infrastructure As a Service” atau untuk selanjutnya disebut sebagai “Layanan” adalah produk CBNCloud yang terfokus pada penyediaan infrastruktur untuk kegiatan komputasi Pelanggan, yang dapat berupa penyediaan tempat penyimpanan data, dan jaringan server yang diperlukan untuk mendukung kegiatan operasional bisnis Pelanggan.
“Pelanggan” adalah pihak yang terdaftar sebagai pengguna dari Layanan yang disediakan oleh CBNCloud beserta produk turunan dari CBN Infrastructure As a Service atau pihak yang diberikan kewenangan untuk melakukan pendaftaran terhadap Layanan yang disediakan oleh CBNCloud.
“Formulir Pendaftaran” adalah formulir yang digunakan oleh Pelanggan untuk melakukan pendaftaran terhadap jasa Layanan Cloud Computing. Formulir tersebut wajib dilengkapi dengan informasi-informasi yang benar dan diserahkan kepada CBNCloud sebelum proses aktivasi Layanan.
“Downtime” adalah kondisi dimana Layanan yang digunakan oleh Pelanggan tidak dapat digunakan untuk sementara waktu, hal tersebut diakibatkan oleh gangguan baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung pada sistem dan infrastruktur CBNCloud.
“Username” adalah identitas unik Pelanggan yang diberikan oleh CBNCloud untuk mengakses Layanan yang sesuai dengan formulir pendaftaran yang diserahkan kepada CBNCloud.
“Berita Acara Aktivasi” adalah informasi tertulis yang disampaikan oleh CBNCloud kepada Pelanggan sebagai bentuk konfirmasi aktifnya Layanan secara teknis

Pasal 2

CBNCloud akan menyediakan Layanan sebagaimana yang dijanjikan dalam Formulir Pendaftaran Layanan.
Aktivasi terhadap Layanan akan dilakukan setelah Pelanggan melakukan pembayaran dimuka berdasarkan tagihan yang dikirimkan oleh CBNCloud kepada Pelanggan, dan akan ditandai dengan penandatanganan Berita Acara Aktivasi oleh kedua belah Pihak.
Pelanggan terdaftar sebagai pengguna dari fasilitas produk CBNCloud Infrastructure As a Service dengan informasi yang telah diketahui oleh Pelanggan sebagaimana yang tercantum dalam Formulir Pendaftaran atau lampiran-lampiran (jika ada).
CBNCloud hanya menyediakan infrastruktur yang dibutuhkan dalam penerapan teknologi cloud computing yang digunakan oleh Pelanggan, sehingga CBNCloud tidak bertanggung jawab terhadap aplikasi, content dan perangkat lunak (software) yang digunakan oleh Pelanggan.
CBNCloud bertanggung jawab terhadap kualitas Layanan yang digunakan oleh Pelanggan sesuai dengan Service Level Agreement yang diperjanjikan dalam setiap Layanan yang digunakan oleh Pelanggan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Bagia Service Level Agreement pada Syarat dan Ketentuan ini
Pelanggan dengan ini memahami segala resiko atas penggunaan Layanan yang disediakan oleh CBNCloud, untuk itu Pelanggan bersedia membebaskan CBNCloud dari segala bentuk tuntutan hukum baik permintaan ganti kerugian akibat resiko tersebut beserta pertanggungjawaban sebagai penyedia jasa dalam hal terjadinya Keadaan Kahar (Force Majeure) dalam pelaksanaan penyediaan Layanan kepada Pelanggan.

Pasal 3


Dalam pelaksanaan penggunaan Layanan, dengan ini Pelanggan menyatakan dan menjamin bahwa:

  1. Pelanggan tidak akan menggunakan setiap Hak Atas Kekayaan Intelektual yang terkandung didalam penyediaan Layanan, baik secara sebagian ataupun secara menyeluruh tanpa persetujuan tertulis dari CBNCloud;
  2. Pelanggan tidak akan melakukan kegiatan hacking, spamming dan tindakan lain yang dianggap berbahaya dan mengganggu operasional Layanan serta infrastruktur, software, aplikasi dan jaringan yang dimiliki oleh CBNCloud;
  3. Pelanggan dengan ini memahami bahwa CBNCloud bertindak sebatas penyedia jasa dan oleh karenanya Pelanggan membebaskan CBNCloud dari tuntutan hukum termasuk permintaan ganti rugi terhadap pelanggaran atas Hak Kekayaan Intelektual milik Pelanggan yang digunakan didalam Layanan, yang dilakukan oleh pengguna lain tanpa adanya suatu persetujuan dari pemilik sah Hak Kekayaan Intelektual.
  4. Pelanggan akan menggunakan Layanan sebagaimana tujuannya sesuai dengan ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku di Negara Republik Indonesia dan oleh karenanya apabila Layanan digunakan sebagai alat bantu dalam hal melakukan tindak kejahatan atau pelanggaran hukum, maka Pelanggan akan membebaskan CBNCloud dari segala bentuk gugatan hukum termasuk gugatan ganti kerugian yang timbul dari atau sehubungan dengan tindak kejahatan atau pelanggaran hukum tersebut

Pasal 4

Hak dan Kewajiban Pelanggan:
Pelanggan dilarang untuk mengalihkan Layanan yang digunakan kepada Pihak Ketiga atau pihak lainnya yang tidak berkepentingan didalam Syarat dan Ketentuan ini ,tanpa persetujuan tertulis terlebih dahulu oleh CBNCloud.
Selama masa berlanggnan Pelanggan wajib membuat backup data dan atau salinan terhadap data, informasi, termasuk dokumen-dokumen yang dicantumkan kedalam Layanan selama masa berlangganan.
Pelanggan memberikan izin kepada CBNCloud atau wakilnya yang ditunjuk sesuai dengan kewenangannya untuk memasuki fasilitas Layanan yang digunakan oleh Pelanggan sehubungan dengan proses pemeliharaan dan perbaikan terhadap fasilitas Layanan, dengan pemberitahuan tertulis terlebih dahulu kepada Pelanggan
Pelanggan mempunyai kewajiban untuk mnunjuk seorang administrator yag akan menjadi PIC teknis untuk berhubungan dengan CBNCloud. PIC tersebut akan mewakili Pelanggan terkait dengan manajemen terhadap layanan yang digunakan
Pelanggan dapat mengajukan perubahan Layanan (baik upgrade maupun downgrade) setelah terlebih dahulu mengajukan permohonan tertulis kepada CBNCloud paling lambat 14 (empat belas) hari kalender kerja sebelum tanggal dimulainya Layanan yang diinginkan. Perubahan akan efektif pada hari pertama kerja di awal bulan dan Pelanggan wajib membayar segala pembayaran sebagai akibat dari adanya perubahan Layanan tersebut.
Pelanggan mempunyai kewajiban untuk melakukan pembayaran atas Biaya Pendaftaran dan Biaya Berlangganan termasuk biaya-biaya lain yang timbul dari penggunaan Layanan, sesuai dengan faktur tagihan yang dikirimkan oleh CBNCloud kepada Pelanggan
Pelanggan berhak untuk menikmati segala manfaat dan keuntungan yang diperoleh melalui penyediaan Layanan ini sesuai dengan jenis Layanan masing-masing dengan memperhatikan hukum dan peraturan yang berlaku diwilayah hukum Republik Indonesia.
Hak dan Kewajiban CBNCloud:
CBNCloud mempunyai kewajiban untuk menyediakan Layanan sebagaimana yang diperjanjikan.
CBNCloud mempunyai kewajiban untuk tidak mengungkapkan atau menggunakan setiap data, dokumen, informasi atau catatan-catatan dalam bentuk media apapun terkait dengan adanya Syarat dan Ketentuan ini, hal-hal yang dilingkupi dalam Syarat dan Ketentuan ini atau yang disebut sebagai “Informasi Rahasia” atau sehubungan dengan Pelanggan, kecuali untuk tujuan penyelidikan yang dilakukan oleh Kepolisian Republik Indonesia termasuk pejabat-pejabat hukum yang berwenang sesuai dengan peraturan dan ketentuan yang beralaku di Negara Republik Indonesia. Pengungkapan atas Informasi Rahasia tersebut akan diinformasikan kepada Pelanggan baik secara lisan maupun secara tertulis.
CBNCloud berhak memutuskan Layanan yang digunakan oleh Pelanggan untuk sementara waktu sebagai akibat adanya Keadaan Kahar yang mana dapat membahayakan baik CBNCloud maupun Pelanggan termasuk belum dibayarnya kewajiban pembayaran atas Layanan yang digunakan oleh Pelanggan.
CBNCloud bertanggung jawab terhadap pemeliharaan dan perbaikan sebatas pada kerusakan atau gangguan pada saluran dan fasilitas milik CBNCloud. Apabila kerusakan atau gangguan tersebut disebabkan oleh kesalahan, kesengajaan, termasuk kelalaian yang dilakukan oleh Pelanggan, maka CBNCloud berhak memungut biaya perbaikan sesuai dengan kesepakatan kedua belah pihak.
CBNCloud tidak bertanggung jawab atas kebenaran, keakuratan, kerahasian dan atau kualitas informasi-informasi yang diberikan oleh Pelanggan melalui fasilitas Layanan yang digunakan
CBNCloud tidak bertanggung jawab atas kerugian-kerugian yang dialami oleh Pelanggan yang diakibatkan oleh penggunaan Layanan CBNCloud.

Pasal 5

Pelanggan dilarang menyimpan, menyebarkan dan menggunakan materi yang mengandung, menyinggung, atau berhubungan dengan pornografi, sentimen suku, agama, ras dan antar golongan, perdagangan manusia, perjudian, serta tindakan lain yang secara umum bertentangan dengan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku di Negara Republik Indonesia.
Pelanggan dilarang untuk melakukan Pemalsuan Identitas dengan cara apapun sehingga menimbulkan ketidaknyamanan pihak yang berkepentingan.

Pasal 6

Jangka waktu Layanan ini berlaku selama 12 (dua belas) bulan terhitung dari tanggal yang tercantum dalam Berita Acara Aktivasi (“Masa Layanan”)
Masa Layanan sebagaimana yang dijelaskan dalam ayat 1 akan diperpanjang secara otomatis untuk 12 (dua belas) bulan berikutnya, dengan persetujuan dari Pelanggan dan akan diberitahukan secara tertulis dalam kurun waktu 14 (empat belas) hari kalender kerja sebelum berakhirnya Masa Layanan.

Pasal 7

Pelanggan memiliki kewajiban untuk melakukan pembayaran atas Biaya Pendaftaran dan Instalasi satu kali dimuka berdasarkan faktur tagihan yang dikirimkan oleh CBNCloud kepada Pelanggan, dan wajib dilunasi sebelum Layanan diaktifkan.
Pelanggan memiliki kewajiban untuk melakukan pembayaran atas Biaya Berlangganan, atas Biaya Berlangganan setiap bulannya berdasarkan faktur tagihan yang diterima Pelanggan dari CBNCloud dan wajib dilunasi paling lambat setiap tanggal 25 (dua puluh lima) bulan tersebut.
Setiap fasilitas tambahan atau perubahan fasilitas yang diminta oleh Pelanggan akan dikenakan biaya administrasi.
Keseluruhan biaya dan atau tarif yang dicantumkan dalam Syarat dan Ketentuan ini belum termasuk pajak yang akan menjadi tanggung jawab Para Pihak sesuai dengan ketetentuan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku di Negera Republik Indonesia.
CBNCloud berhak untuk melakukan pemutusan sementara terhadap Layanan beserta fasilitas-fasilias yang digunakan oleh Pelanggan, jika diketahui Pelanggan telah melakukan kelalaian berupa kewajiban pembayaran berdasarkan faktur yang diterima Pelanggan.

Pasal 8

CBNCloud hanya mengakui Syarat dan Ketentuan Berlangganan ini sebagai dasar perikatan dengan Pelanggan didalam penyediaan Layanan oleh CBNCloud, oleh karenanya apabila dikemudian hari terdapat perselisihan dengan pihak ketiga atau pihak manapun yang tidak berkepentingan dalam Syarat dan Ketentuan ini, maka CBNCloud dibebaskan dari segala tuntutan hukum atau ganti kerugian secara materil dan imateril yang timbul sebagai akibat dari adanya perselisihan tersebut.

Pasal 9

Apabila sewaktu-waktu Pelanggan menginginkan pengakhiran Layanan sebelum tanggal berakhirnya Layanan, Pelanggan wajib terlebih dahulu memberikan pemberitahuan tertulis selambat-lambatnya 14 (empat belas) hari kalender kerja sebelum tanggal berakhirnya Layanan.
CBNCloud berhak untuk membekukan atau memutuskan Layanan sebelum Pelanggan menyatakan untuk berhenti berlangganan dalam keadaan :
Pelanggan lalai melunasi kewajibannya sesuai dengan prosedur yang telah ditentukan oleh CBNCloud;
Pelanggan telah melakukan pelanggaran terhadap larangan-larangan sebagaimana yang diatur dalam Syarat dan Ketentuan ini;
Adanya permintaan dari pejabat penyidik negara guna kepentingan penyidikan sesuai peraturan dan hukum yang berlaku di Republik Indonesia dan
Pembekuan atau pemutusan layanan akan diikuti/didahului dengan pemberitahuan/peringatan kepada Pelanggan.
Segala hak dan kewajiban yang masih menjadi tanggung jawab Masing-masing Pihak yang belum terselesaikan dan telah timbul sebelum diakhirinya Syarat dan Ketentuan tetap menjadi tanggung jawab Masing-masing Pihak untuk menyelesaikannya.
Atas pengakhiran Layanan sebagaimana diatur dalam Syarat dan Ketentuan ini, Para Pihak sepakat untuk mengesampingkan ketentuan yang diatur dalam Pasal 1266 dan 1267 Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Perdata (KUHPer).

Pasal 10

Isi dan pelaksanaan ketentuan ini tunduk kepada peraturan dan hukum yang berlaku di wilayah jurisdiksi Republik Indonesia.
Setiap perselisihan yang timbul antara CBNCloud dan Pelanggan akan diselesaikan secara musyawarah dan mufakat antara kedua pihak tanpa melibatkan pihak ketiga manapun yang tidak berkepentingan langsung.
Apabila CBNCloud dan Pelanggan tidak dapat menyelesaikan perselisihan secara musyawarah, maka CBNCloud dan Pelanggan sepakat untuk menyelesaikan perselisihan melalui Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Selatan.

Pasal 11


Keadaan Kahar

Para Pihak tidak dapat diminta pertanggungjawabannya untuk keterlambatan atau kegagalan untuk memenuhi kewajibannya, yang disebabkan oleh hal-hal diluar kekuasaan Para Pihak, seperti :

  1. Bencana alam, kebakaran, gempa bumi, banjir, tanah longsor;
  2. Wabah penyakit;
  3. Perang, perang saudara, pemberontakan, huru-hara, penjarahan masal, sabotase, peledakan bom, pemogokan buruh atau blokade;
  4. Pengambilalihan atau penyitaan perusahaan oleh Pemerintah atau otoritas yang berwenang, dan;
  5. Pemberlakuan atau perubahan peraturan perundang-undangan ;

Yang kesemuanya memiliki pengaruh langsung terhadap pelaksanaan ketentuan Syarat dan Ketentuan.

Apabila Pihak yang mengalami terjadinya Keadaan Kahar, setelah melakukan upaya yang maksimal tetap tidak dapat melaksanakan ketentuan dalam Syarat dan Ketentuan, maka Para Pihak akan melakukan perundingan untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut untuk mencapai solusi yang saling menguntungkan bagi Para Pihak.



Masing-masing Pihak mengetahui bahwa setiap informasi yang diperolehnya mengenai atau terkait dengan kegiatan usaha Pihak lawannya yang diterima sebagai akibat dari pelaksanaan Syarat dan Ketentuan adalah merupakan informasi rahasia atau informasi yang mungkin dianggap Pihak lawannya sebagai informasi rahasia. Oleh karena itu masing-masing Pihak wajib menjaga kerahasiaan informasi tersebut dan tidak akan, tanpa persetujuan Pihak lawannya, membukanya kepada pihak ketiga lainnya untuk maksud apapun selain yang diperbolehkan berdasarkan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku.

Terjemahan Bahasa Inggris dalam Syarat dan Ketentuan ini dibuat hanya untuk membantu Pelanggan mengerti isi Syarat dan Ketentuan. Oleh karena itu apabila disuatu hari ada permasalahan yang timbul maka Para Pihak sepakat bahwa Syarat dan Ketentuan dengan bahasa Indonesia yang berlaku mengikat dan berkekuatan hukum.

Pasal 12

CBNCloud memberikan jaminan kepada Pelanggan untuk dapat menggunakan Layanan selama 24 (dua puluh empat jam) setiap harinya, dengan kondisi layanan minimal 99,5%, atau maksimal total downtime 3 jam 36 menit setiap 30 (tigapuluh) hari kalender

Pelanggan berhak untuk mendapatkan penyesuaian tagihan atau restitusi apabila terjadi downtime yang akan diperhitungkan pada tagihan bulan berikutnya dengan perhitungan penyesuaian sebagai berikut

SLB = (hM – Dt) x 100% hM

R = ( SLA – SLB) x MC

Dt = jumlah downtime (jam/menit) dalam satu bulan kalender

hM = jumlah waktu (jam/menit) dalam satu bulan kalender

MC = biaya bulanan

SLB = Service Level yang terjadi perbulan

SLA = Service Level Agreement (99,5%)

R = Jumlah Restitusi yang diberikan

Restitusi yang dimaksud dalam ayat ini tidak berlaku dalam hal keadaan Force Majeure dan downtime disebabkan kelalaian Pelanggan
Pelanggan wajib memberikan pemberitahuan tertulis selambat-lambatnya 30 hari dan sesegera mungkin memberitahukan via email, faksimili maupun telepon sejak terjadinya downtime
Restitusi hanya dapat dihitung pada waktu dimana downtime terjadi
Restitusi dikompensasikan sebagai penyesuaian kredit pada tagihan bulan berikutnya

Pasal 13

CBNCloud memberikan jaminan kepada Pelanggan untuk dapat menggunakan Layanan CBNCloud selama 24 (dua puluh empat jam) setiap harinya, dengan kondisi layanan minimal 99,5%, atau maksimal total downtime 3 jam 36 menit setiap 30 (tigapuluh) hari kalender.

Pelanggan berhak untuk mendapatkan penambahan masa berlangganan atau restitusi apabila terjadi downtime lebih dari Service Level Agreement yang diberikan dengan perhitungan sebagai berikut:

R = Dt – DtSLAmax

R = Penambahan masa berlangganan (dalam hitungan jam-menit-detik)

Dt = Jumlah downtime yang terjadi selama berlangganan (dalam hitungan jam- menit-detik)

DtSLAmax = jumlah maksimal downtime yang dijanjikan menurut Service Level Agreement dikalikan jumlah bulan masa berlangganan sesuai jenis paket prabayar yang digunakan (dalam hitungan jam-menit-detik)

Apabila jumlah penambahan masa berlangganan kurang dari 24 jam, maka penambahan masa berlangganan yang diberikan adalah selama 1 (satu) hari


Pelanggan A berlangganan layanan dengan prabayar paket 1 bulan
Downtime yang terjadi selama Pelanggan A berlangganan adalah 5 jam 36 menit

Maka perhitungan penambahan masa berlangganan yang diperoleh A adalah sebagai berikut

Dt = 5 jam 36 menit
DtSLAmax = 3 jam 36 menit x 1 = 3 jam 36 menit

Penambahan masa berlangganan adalah
R = Dt – DtSLAmax
= 5 jam 36 menit – 3 jam 36 menit = 2 jam

Dikarenakan R = 2 jam = kurang dari 24 jam, maka penambahan masa berlangganan yang diberikan adalah selama 1 (satu) hari

Restitusi yang dimaksud dalam ayat ini tidak berlaku dalam hal keadaan Force Majeure dan kerusakan disebabkan kelalaian Pelanggan.
Pelanggan wajib memberikan pemberitahuan tertulis selambat-lambatnya 30 hari dan sesegera mungkin memberitahukan via email, faksimili maupun telepon sejak terjadinya downtime.
Restitusi hanya dapat dihitung pada waktu dimana downtime terjadi.

Terms And Conditions

(for Infrastructure as a Service)

This Terms and Conditions applied only for CBNCloud Customer’s as registered on CBNCloud Registration Form therefore Customer agree to obey all of regulation and prevailing provisions in the use of Services provided by CBNCloud, with the terms as follow:

Article 1

“CBNCloud” is the Cloud Computing Company, established based on the regulation of legislation Republic of Indonesia, and hereby act as a provider of the Service, based on Registration Form accepted by CBNCloud
“CBNCloud Infrastructure as a Service” hereinafterrefered to as the Service, is a product of CBNCloud focused in provision of infrastructure of computing activities of Customer in form of data storage service and server network required for supporting Customer’s operational bussines activites
“Customer” is the Party who register of the Service or the Party given by authority to register of the Service provided by CBNCloud.
“CBNCloud Registration Form” is a form which used by the Customer to register the Cloud Computing Service’s, this form is compulsory to fill by Customer before the Activation process started
“Downtime is a temporary condition which caused disconnection of the Service that is used by Customer, which caused by direct or indirect interruption occurred in infrastructure and network system of CBNCloud
Username” is a Customer’s unique identity given by CBNCloud to access the Service and will given by CBNCloud when the Customer register of the Service
“Activation Report is written document given by CBNCloud to Customer, informing that the Service already activated.

Article 2

CBNCloud shall provide the Service as promised in the Service Registration Form
Activation of the Service will be conducted after the Customer settle the down payment based on the invoice sent by CBNCloud to the Customer and will be evidenced by the signed Activation Report by the Parties.
The Customer is registered as user of CBNCloud Infrastructur as a Service with the information as known by Customer as cited in the Registration form or its attachment if any
CBNCloud shall only provide infrastructure require in the implementation of cloud computing technology used by the Customer, therefore CBNCloud shall not responsible for any applications content and software used by the Customer
CBNCloud shall take responsibility for the quality of the Service used by Customer based on the Service Level Agreement in every CBNCloud Service as mentioned in the Service Level Agreement section of this Terms and Conditions
Customer hereby understands and aware of any risk on using the Service’s or incapability of the Service’s provided, therefore Customer releases CBNCloud for any loss or responsibility due to such risk and responsibility as the Service provider in the event of Force Majeure

Article 3


In using the Service, the Customer hereby state and warrants as follows:

  1. The Customer will not use partially or in whole of intelectual property rights contained in this Terms and Conditions even the Intelectual property rights owned by CBNCloud or another user of the Service without written consent of the respective party
  2. Customer shall not conduct spamming and hacking activities and any activities which considered dangerous and may disturb the Service and the infrastructure, software, application, and network owned by CBNCloud
  3. The Customer hereby acknowledge that CBNCloud act merely as the Service provider therefore the Customer hereby agree to indemnify CBNCloud from any claim of loss toward any violation of Intelectual Property Rights used in the Service conducted by any other user without approval from the rightful owner of such Intelectual Property Rights
  4. The Customer shall use the Service as its purpose in accordance with the prevailing regulation in the Republic of Indonesia and therefore if the Service is used as an accessory to a crime or violation of laws, the Customer shall indemnify CBNCloud from any legal claim including the claim of damages arising from or in relation to such crime or violation of laws

Article 4

Rights and Obligation of the Customer
Customer is not allowed to assign the Service used to any third party or any unauthorized party in this Terms and Conditions without prior written notice from CBNCloud;
During the time of Service subscription Customer shall make a backup and or copies of data or the information including documents contained in the Service
Customer hereby grant approval to CBNCloud or its representative to conduct schedule maintenance or other activities, which are deem necessary to improve Service Quality and internal security. Schedule maintenance shall be informed with the written notification to Customer
Customer shall have the obligation to appoint administrator to become technical contact person representing Customer to communicate with CBNCloud regarding the management of the Service used
Customer may request to change the service(either upgrade or downgrade), by priorly request made in writing to CBNCloud at the latest 14 (fourteen) calendar days prior the requested Service change date. Change shall be effective by the 1st (first) working day of the preceding month and Customer shall pay any costs required due to change of the Service requested
The Customer shall pay the Registration Fee and the Subcription Fee including other fees arising from the usage of the Service in ccordance with invoice sent by CBNCloud to Customer
Customer has the rights to enjoy the benefit of the Services in accordance with the respective Service’s and in accordance with the prevailing laws of the Republic of Indonesia.
Rights and Obligations of CBNCloud
CBNCloud shall provide the Service according to This Terms and Conditions.
CBNCloud shall not disclose or use any data, documents, information or records, in whatever form or medium, regarding the existence of this Terms and Conditions, the matters covered in this Terms and Conditions (the “Confidential Information”) or connected to the Customer, except for the purpose of police investigation by the Police of the Republic of Indonesia or other conditions pursuant of the prevailing laws and regulations if the disclosure of the Confidential Information required by the prevailing laws and regulations, then CBNCloud has to inform the Customer about such disclosure immediately.
CBNCloud reserves the rights to temporary disconnect the service during or as a result of Force Majeure, which could harm CBNCloud or Customer or as the result of Custumer failure to settle the payment of the Service used by Customer
CBNCloud responsible to conduct the maintenance and repair limited only to damage or interruption of facilities of the Service provided by CBNCloud, if the damage or interruption caused by the fault, or omission conducted by Customer, CBNCloud has the rights to charge of the repair fee in as agreed by Parties
CBNCloud shall not be liable of the accuracy, confidentiality, or the quality of the Information was distributed by Customer using the CBNCloud Service.
CBNCloud shall not be liable for the damages incurrec by Customer caused by use of the Service.

Article 5

There are some Prohibited activities in using the Service, as follows:

Customer is not allowed to save, to share, and to use any material that contain, offend and related with pornografi, the sentiment of tribes, religion, human traficking, gambling, and any other measure that is in general contradict to the prevailing laws of the Republic of Indonesia
Customer is prohibited to commit forgery of identity in any manner that causing inconvenience to the interested party

Article 6

This Service’s is valid for 12 (twelve) months since from the date as stipulated in the Activation Report (The Service Period)
The Service Period as described in subsection (1) will automatically extended for the subsequent 12 (twelve) months and Customer will be informed in 14 (fourteen) calender days prior to the expiration of the Service Period

Article 7

Customer shall pay Registration and Installation Fee, which should be made in advance before the Services active and based on invoice received by the Customer.
Customer shall pay Subscription Fee each month, based in the invoice bill received by Customer from CMP and shall be paid no later than 25th (twenty fifth) of the month.
Extra Charge (plus administration fee required) for any extra service requested by Customer
All fees and/or cost stipulated on this Terms and Conditions exclude taxes and shall be borne by the Parties according to the prevailing laws and regulations.
CBNCloud has the right to temporary disconnect the Services and its facilities if after the Services is activated and could be accepted by the Customer, the Customer failed to settle outstanding account according to the Subscription Fee.

Article 8

CBNCloud only acknowledge this Subscription Terms and Conditions as its engagement base with the Customer in providing the Service therefore if in the future there have been dispute with another party or third party who is not authorized in this Terms and Conditions, CBNCloud shall be released from any legal claim or lawsuits arising out from such dispute.

Article 9

If the Customer wish to terminate the Service before the expiration of the Service Period, Customer shall give prior notification 14 (fourteen) calendar days before the end of the expiration date and shall pay total subscription fee for any period unused.
CBN has the rights to suspend or terminate the Internet Service under the Following condition:
Customer’s negligence to paying obligations in accordance with the procedures specified by the CBNCloud;
Customers have been violations of restrictions as is stipulated in the Terms and Conditions;
request has been made by Indonesian authority which required for official investigation of serious criminal action or any violation of Indonesian Laws.
Notification shall be made prior to disconnection.
Any rights and obligations of each of the Parties which have not been exercised or fulfilled, shall remain the responsibilities of each Party.
The Parties agree to expressly waive the provisions of article 1266 and 1267 of the Indonesian Civil Code.

Article 10

Clause dan the implementation of the Terms and Conditions shal governed under the law of the Republic of Indonesia.
Any dispute between CBNClod and Customer, arising from or in connection with this Terms and Conditions (”dispute”), shall be settled by mutual discussions between the Parties.
If CBNCloud and Customer can not settle such dispute by mutual discussion, CBNCloud and Customer agreed to settle such dispute through South Jakarta District Court

Pasal 11


Each of the Parties is not liable for the delay or failure to fulfill its responsibility, caused by the following matters:

  1. Natural disaster, fire, earthquake, flood, landslide;
  2. An epidemic disease;
  3. War, civil war, rebellion, riots, lootings, sabotage, bombings, disturbance as the result of terrorism act;
  4. Company take over or confiscation by the Government or the authority, and;
  5. The enforcement or amendment of laws and regulations;

All which have a direct effect toward the implementation of the terms and conditions of this This Terms and Conditions.

On the event where a Party experiencing force majeure, soon after taking maximum measurements and still is unable to tulfill the Terms and Conditions, therefore the Parties shall conduct a negotiation to resolve the problem for the best solution for both Parties.



Every Party who knows that every Information obtained regarding or related to the activity of its counterpart, which was received as the effect of the conduct of this Contract is the information under secrecy of the information, which may consider by the counterpart under secrecy. Therefore each Party must preserve the secrecy of the information and shall not, without the consent of the other Party (the counterpart) disclose the information to the third party for any purpose other than which was permitted to by the prevailing Law.

The English translation of This Terms and Conditions is made to assist Customer in understanding the content of This Terms and Conditions If Any dispute arise regarding the execution of This Terms and Conditions, The Parties shall agree that the bahasa Indonesia version shall govern and bind to The Parties

Article 12

CBNCloud will guarantee the Customer to use the CBNCloud Service for 24 (twenty four) hours each days, with the Srvice condition of a minimum 99,5% (ninety nine point five percent) or a maximum total downtime of 3 hours 36 minutes every 30 (thirty) calendar days

The Customer is entitled to a fee adjustment in downtime occured, which will be calculated in the subsequent month’s fee with the formula as follows :

SLB = (hM – Dt) x 100% hM

R = ( SLA – SLB) x MC

Dt = the amount of downtime (hour/minute) in one month calendar

hM = amount of time (hour/minute) in one month calendar

MC = Monthly Charge

SLB = Actual service level permonth

SLA = Service Level Agreement (99,5%)

R = Amount of restitution given

Restitution as mentioned in this provision shall not prevail in Force Majeure event and in the event that the downtime is caused by Customer negligence.
The Customer shall give a written notification not later than 30 days and immediately inform via email, faximile or phone since the downtime occured
The restitution shall only be calculated in time when the downtime occured
Restitution will be compensated as the fee adjustment on the subsequent monthly invoice

Article 13

CBNCloud will guarantee the Customer to use the CBNCloud Service for 24 (twenty four) hours each days, with the Srvice condition of a minimum 99,5% (ninety nine point five percent) or a maximum total downtime of 3 hours 36 minutes every 30 (thirty) calendar days.

The Customer shall be entitled to subscription period extention or restitution if downtime occured more then the guaranteed Service Level Agreement , which will be calculated with the formula as follows :

R = Dt – DtSLAmax

R = subscription period extention (hour-minute- second based)

Dt = amount of downtime occured during subscription period (hour-minute- second based)

DtSLAmax = maximum amount of downtime guaranteed based on the Service Level Agreement multiplied by amount of months according to prepaid packages used

If the subscription period extention less than 24 hours, then the subscription period extention given will be 1 day


Customer A is subscribing a 1 month prepaid packages service
Occured downtime during Customer A subscription period is 5 hours 36 minutes

the calculation of subcription period extention given to A is as follows

Dt = hours 36 minutes
DtSLAmax = 3 hours 36 minutes x 1 = 3 hours 36 minutes

subcription period extention shall be
R = Dt – DtSLAmax
= 5 hours 36 minutes-3 hours 36 minutes = 2 hours

Due to the reason that R = 2 hours = less then 24 hours, the subscription period extention shall be 24 hours

Restitution as mentioned in this provision shall not prevail in Force Majeure event and in the event that the downtime is caused by Customer negligence
The Customer shall give a written notification not later than 30 days and immediately inform via email, faximile or phone since the downtime occured
The restitution shall only be calculated in time when the downtime occured


(untuk jenis Software as a Service)

Syarat dan Ketentuan ini hanya berlaku bagi Pelanggan CBNCloud, sebagaimana yang terdaftar didalam Formulir Pendaftaran CBNCloud, dengan demikian Pelanggan bersedia untuk mentaati peraturan dan ketentuan yang berlaku dalam penggunaan fasilitas Layanan yang disediakan oleh CBNCloud, dengan ketentuan-ketentuan sebagai berikut:

Pasal 1

"Pelanggan" adalah pihak yang mendaftar fasilitas Layanan atau pihak yang diberikan kewenangan untuk melakukan pendaftaran terhadap jasa Layanan yang disediakan oleh CBNCloud.
"CBNCloud" merupakan Perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang Cloud Computing yang didirikan berdasarkan peraturan dan ketentuan yang berlaku di Negara Republik Indonesia, dalam hal ini bertindak sebagai penyedia jasa Layanan yang diperlukan oleh Pelanggan berdasarkan Formulir Pendaftaran yang diterima oleh CBNCloud.
"Formulir Pendaftaran Layanan CBNCloud adalah formulir yang digunakan oleh Pelanggan untuk melakukan pendaftaran terhadap jasa Layanan Cloud Computing. Formulir tersebut wajib dilengkapi dengan informasi-informasi yang benar dan diserahkan kepada CBNCloud sebelum proses aktivasi Layanan dapat dilakukan"
"Berita Acara Aktivasi" adalah informasi tertulis yang disampaikan oleh CBNCloud kepada Pelanggan sebagai bentuk konfirmasi aktifnya Layanan secara teknis.
"Downtime" adalah kondisi sementara yang menyebabkan terputusnya Layanan yang digunakan oleh Pelanggan yang diakibatkan adanya gangguan pada infrastruktur dan sistem jaringan CBNCloud, sehingga mengakibatkan Pelanggan tidak dapat menggunakan Layanan yang diberikan.
"Username" identitas unik Pelanggan yang diberikan oleh CBNCloud untuk mengakses fasilitas Layanan yang digunakan dan diberikan pada saat Pelanggan mendaftarkan Layanan ke CBNCloud.
"CBNCloud Software As a Service" untuk selanjutnya disebut sebagai “Layanan” adalah jasa Layanan yang disediakan oleh CBNCloud dengan varian aplikasi perangkat lunak yang terdapat didalam data CBNCloud, Pelanggan tidak perlu membeli lisensi software atau tambahan peralatan untuk menggunakan layanan karena berada dalam sistem virtual database yang dimiliki oleh CBNCloud.

Pasal 2

CBNCloud sepakat untuk menyediakan fasilitas jasa Layanan, dalam hal ini adalah CBNCloud Software As a Service termasuk produk turunannya sesuai dengan kebutuhan Pelanggan berdasarkan Formulir Pendaftaran yang telah diterima oleh CBNCloud.
Penyediaan fasilitas jasa Layanan yang disediakan oleh CBNCloud akan dilakukan sesuai dengan konfigurasi teknis yang telah disepakati.

Pasal 3

Aktivasi Layanan akan dilakukan setelah Pelanggan menandatangani Formulir Pendaftaran dan melunasi kewajiban pembayaran. Aktivasi layanan akan dibuktikan dengan penandatanganan Berita Acara Aktivasi oleh kedua belah pihak.
CBNCloud hanya menyediakan aplikasi sebatas pada aplikasi software, oleh sebab itu CBNCloud tidak bertanggung jawab atas segala aktivitas username-nya dan wajib menjaga kerahasiaan password-nya masing-masing, termasuk penggunaan, modifikasi dan distribusi aplikasi lain yang dilakukan sendiri oleh Pelanggan serta pertanggungjawaban dari sisi hukum baik tuntutan ataupun gugatan hukum yang timbul dari adanya tindakan tersebut.
Pelanggan menggunakan fasilitas jasa Layanan CBNCloud Software As a Service dengan detail informasi yang tercantum dalam Formulir Pendaftaran dan lampiran-lampirannya jika ada.
CBNCloud tidak bertanggung jawab atas berkurangnya kualitas Layanan sehubungan dengan peralatan serta perlengkapan lain termasuk jaringan koneksi internet yang digunakan oleh Pelanggan untuk menikmati Layanan sehubungan dengan ketidakcocokan penggunaan Layanan atau adanya gangguan yang timbul dari Pihak Ketiga manapun, gangguan pada backbone internet atau dalam hal dilaksanakannya tindakan pengamanan darurat dan peristiwa lainnya yang terjadi diluar kendali (Keadaan Kahar) CBNCloud sebagai penyedia jasa Layanan.
CBNCloud bertanggung jawab atas kualitas Layanan yang digunakan oleh Pelanggan sesuai dengan Service Level Agreement yang tercantum dalam setiap Layanan yang digunakan oleh Pelanggan sebagaimana dimksud dalam Bagian Service Level Agreement pada Syarat dan Ketentuan ini.
Pelanggan dengan ini memahami segala resiko atas penggunaan atau ketidaksanggupan Layanan yang disediakan oleh CBNCloud, untuk itu Pelanggan bersedia membebaskan CBNCloud dari segala tuntutan ganti rugi serta tanggung jawab yang timbul sebagai akibat adanya resiko tersebut.

Pasal 4

Hak dan Kewajiban Pelanggan:
Pelanggan dilarang untuk mengalihkan Layanan yang digunakan kepada Pihak Ketiga atau pihak lainnya yang tidak berkepentingan didalam Syarat dan Ketentuan ini tanpa persetujuan tertulis terlebih dahulu oleh CBNCloud.
Selama masa berlangganan Pelanggan wajib membuat backup dan atau salinan terhadap data, informasi, termasuk dokumen-dokumen yang dicantumkan kedalam Layanan selama masa berlangganan.
Pelanggan memberikan izin kepada CBNCloud atau wakilnya yang ditunjuk sesuai dengan kewenangannya untuk memasuki fasilitas Layanan yang digunakan oleh Pelanggan sehubungan dengan proses pemeliharaan dan perbaikan terhadap fasilitas Layanan, dengan pemberitahuan tertulis terlebih dahulu kepada Pelanggan.
Pelanggan mempunyai kewajiban untuk menunjuk seorang administrator yang akan menjadi PIC teknis untuk berhubungan dengan CBNCloud, PIC tersebut akan mewakili Pelanggan terkait dengan manajemen terhadap Layanan yang digunakan.
Pelanggan dapat mengajukan perubahan Layanan (baik upgrade maupun downgrade) setelah terlebih dahulu mengajukan permohonan tertulis kepada CBNCloud paling lambat 14 (empat belas) hari kalender kerja sebelum tanggal dimulainya Layanan yang diinginkan. Perubahan akan efektif pada hari pertama kerja di awal bulan dan Pelanggan wajib membayar segala pembayaran sebagai akibat dari adanya perubahan Layanan tersebut.
Pelanggan berhak untuk menikmati segala manfaat dan keuntungan yang diperoleh melalui penyediaan Layanan ini sesuai dengan jenis Layanan masing-masing dengan memperhatikan hukum dan peraturan yang berlaku diwilayah hukum Republik Indonesia.
Hak dan Kewajiban CBNCloud:
CBNCloud mempunyai kewajiban untuk menyediakan Layanan sebagaimana yang diperjanjikan.
CBNCloud mempunyai kewajiban untuk tidak mengungkapkan atau menggunakan setiap data, dokumen, informasi atau catatan-catatan dalam bentuk media apapun terkait dengan adanya Syarat dan Ketentuan ini, hal-hal yang dilingkupi dalam Syarat dan Ketentuan ini atau yang disebut sebagai “Informasi Rahasia” atau sehubungan dengan Pelanggan, kecuali untuk tujuan penyelidikan yang dilakukan oleh Kepolisian Republik Indonesia termasuk pejabat-pejabat hukum yang berwenang sesuai dengan peraturan dan ketentuan yang beralaku di Negara Republik Indonesia. Pengungkapan atas Informasi Rahasia tersebut akan diinformasikan kepada Pelanggan baik secara lisan maupun secara tertulis.
CBNCloud berhak memutuskan Layanan yang digunakan oleh Pelanggan untuk sementara waktu sebagai akibat adanya Keadaan Kahar yang mana dapat membahayakan baik CBNCloud maupun Pelanggan termasuk belum dibayarnya kewajiban pembayaran atas Layanan yang digunakan oleh Pelanggan.
CBNCloud bertanggung jawab terhadap pemeliharaan dan perbaikan sebatas pada kerusakan atau gangguan pada saluran dan fasilitas milik CBNCloud. Apabila kerusakan atau gangguan tersebut disebabkan oleh kesalahan, kesengajaan, termasuk kelalaian yang dilakukan oleh Pelanggan, maka CBNCloud berhak memungut biaya perbaikan sesuai dengan kesepakatan kedua belah pihak.
CBNCloud tidak bertanggung jawab atas kebenaran, kerahasian dan atau kualitas informasi-informasi yang disalurkan melalui fasilitas Layanan yang digunakan oleh Pelanggan.
CBNCloud tidak bertanggung jawab atas kerugian-kerugian yang dialami oleh Pelanggan yang diakibatkan oleh penggunaan fasilitas Layanan CBNCloud.

Pasal 5

CBNCloud hanya mengakui Syarat dan Ketentuan Berlangganan ini sebagai dasar perikatan dengan Pelanggan didalam penyediaan Layanan oleh CBNCloud, oleh karenanya apabila dikemudian hari terdapat perselisihan dengan pihak ketiga atau pihak manapun yang tidak berkepentingan dalam Syarat dan Ketentuan ini, maka CBNCloud dibebaskan dari segala tuntutan hukum atau ganti kerugian secara materil dan imateril yang timbul sebagai akibat dari adanya perselisihan tersebut.

Pasal 6

Dalam penggunaan Layanan ini terdapat beberapa hal yang dilarang dan wajib ditaati oleh Pelanggan, adapun hal-hal tersebut adalah sebagai berikut:

Pelanggan dilarang menggunakan Hak Atas Kekayaan Intelektual secara sebagian ataupun menyeluruh yang dimiliki oleh CBNCloud termasuk pengguna atau pemakai yang turut menggunakan jasa layanan CBNCloud tanpa persetujuan tertulis terlebih dahulu oleh pihak yang bersangkutan.
Pelanggan dilarang melakukan tindakan akses yang tidak sah termasuk tindakan hacking/spamming atau tindakan lain yang dapat menimbulkan gangguan atau tindakan yang tidak diinginkan yang dapat mengganggu pengguna lain dalam pemakaian Layanan yang disediakan oleh CBNCloud.
Pelanggan dilarang menyimpan, menyebarkan dan menggunakan materi yang mengandung, menyinggung, atau berhubungan dengan pornografi, sentimen suku, agama, ras dan antar golongan, perdagangan manusia, perjudian, serta tindakan lain yang secara umum bertentangan dengan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku di Negara Republik Indonesia.
Pelanggan dilarang melakukan aktivitas-aktivitas yang dapat membahayakan dan merugikan pihak lain yang turut menggunakan Layanan CBNCloud.
Pelanggan dilarang untuk melakukan Pemalsuan Identitas dengan cara apapun sehingga menimbulkan ketidaknyamanan pihak yang berkepentingan.
Pelanggan dilarang untuk melakukan tindakan yang menimbulkan gangguan pada infrastruktur, jaringan dan sistem CBNCloud.

Pasal 7

Jangka waktu Layanan ini berlaku selama 12 (dua belas) bulan terhitung dari tanggal yang tercantum dalam Berita Acara Aktivasi ("Masa Layanan")
Masa Layanan sebagaimana yang dijelaskan dalam ayat 1 akan diperpanjang secara otomatis untuk 12 (dua belas) bulan berikutnya, dengan persetujuan dari Pelanggan dan akan diberitahukan secara tertulis dalam kurun waktu 14 (empat belas) hari kalender sebelum berakhirnya Masa Layanan.

Pasal 8

Pelanggan memiliki kewajiban untuk membayar Biaya Pendaftaran dan Instalasi satu kali dimuka sebelum Layanan diaktifkan dan sesuai dengan faktur tagihan yang diterima oleh Pelanggan.
Pelanggan memiliki kewajiban untuk melakukan pembayaran atas Biaya Berlangganan setiap bulannya berdasarkan faktur tagihan yang diterima Pelanggan dari CBNCloud dan wajib dilunasi paling lambat setiap tanggal 25 (dua puluh lima) bulan tersebut.
Setiap fasilitas tambahan atau perubahan fasilitas akan dikenakan biaya administrasi yang diperlukan sesuai dengan permintaan oleh Pelanggan.
Keseluruhan biaya dan atau tarif yang dicantumkan dalam Syarat dan Ketentuan ini belum termasuk pajak yang akan menjadi tanggung jawab Para Pihak sesuai dengan ketetentuan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku di Negera Republik Indonesia.
CBNCloud berhak untuk melakukan pemutusan sementara terhadap Layanan beserta fasilitas-fasilias yang digunakan oleh Pelanggan, jika diketahui Pelanggan telah melakukan kelalaian berupa kewajiban pembayaran berdasarkan faktur yang diterima Pelanggan.

Pasal 9

Apabila sewaktu-waktu Pelanggan menginginkan pengakhiran Layanan sebelum tanggal berakhirnya Layanan, Pelanggan wajib terlebih dahulu memberikan pemberitahuan tertulis selambat-lambatnya 14 (empat belas) hari kalender sebelum tanggal berakhirnya Layanan dan wajib membayar Biaya Berlangganan untuk sisa bulan berjalan sampai dengan akhir jangka waktu Layanan.
CBNCloud berhak untuk membekukan atau memutuskan Layanan sebelum Pelanggan menyatakan untuk berhenti berlangganan dalam keadaan :
Pelanggan lalai melunasi kewajibannya sesuai dengan prosedur yang telah ditentukan oleh CBNCloud
Pelanggan telah melakukan pelanggaran terhadap larangan-larangan sebagaimana telah diatur dalam Syarat dan Ketentuan ini
Adanya permintaan dari pejabat penyidik negara guna kepentingan penyidikan sesuai peraturan dan hukum yang berlaku di Republik Indonesia
Pembekuan atau pemutusan layanan akan diikuti/didahului dengan pemberitahuan/peringatan kepada Pelanggan.
Segala hak dan kewajiban yang masi hmenjadi tanggung jawab Masing-masing pihak yang belum terselesaikan dan telah timbul sebelum diakhirinya Syarat dan Ketentuan tetap menjadi tanggung jawab Masing-masing Pihak untuk menyelesaikannya.
Atas pengakhiran Layanan sebagaimana diatur dalam Syarat dan Ketentuan ini, Para Pihak sepakat untuk mengesampingkan ketentuan yang diatur dalam Pasal 1266 dan 1267 Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Perdata (KUHPer).

Pasal 10

Isi dan pelaksanaan ketentuan ini tunduk kepada peraturan dan hukum yang berlaku di wilayah jurisdiksi Republik Indonesia.
Setiap perselisihan yang timbul antara CBNCloud dan Pelanggan akan diselesaikan secara musyawarah dan mufakat antara kedua pihak tanpa melibatkan pihak ketiga manapun yang tidak berkepentingan langsung.
Apabila CBNCloud dan Pelanggan tidak dapat menyelesaikan perselisihan secara musyawarah, maka CBNCloud dan Pelanggan sepakat untuk menyelesaikan perselisihan tersebut melalui Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Selatan

Pasal 11


Keadaan Kahar

Masing-masing Pihak tidak dapat diminta pertanggungjawabannya untuk keterlambatan atau kegagalan untuk memenuhi kewajibannya, yang disebabkan oleh hal-hal diluar kekuasaan Para Pihak, seperti :

  1. Bencana alam, kebakaran, gempa bumi, banjir, tanah longsor;
  2. Wabah penyakit;
  3. Perang, perang saudara, pemberontakan, huru-hara, penjarahan masal, sabotase, peledakan bom, pemogokan buruh atau blokade;
  4. Pengambilalihan atau penyitaan perusahaan oleh Pemerintah atau otoritas yang berwenang, dan;
  5. Pemberlakuan atau perubahan peraturan perundang-undangan ;

Yang kesemuanya memiliki pengaruh langsung terhadap pelaksanaan ketentuan Syarat dan Ketentuan.

Apabila Pihak yang mengalami terjadinya Keadaan Kahar, setelah melakukan upaya yang maksimal tetap tidak dapat melaksanakan ketentuan dalam Syarat dan Ketentuan, maka Para Pihak akan melakukan perundingan untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut untuk mencapai solusi yang saling menguntungkan bagi Para Pihak.



Masing-masing Pihak mengetahui bahwa setiap informasi yang diperolehnya mengenai atau terkait dengan kegiatan usaha Pihak lawannya yang diterima sebagai akibat dari pelaksanaan Syarat dan Ketentuan adalah merupakan informasi rahasia atau informasi yang mungkin dianggap Pihak lawannya sebagai informasi rahasia. Oleh karena itu masing-masing Pihak wajib menjaga kerahasiaan informasi tersebut dan tidak akan, tanpa persetujuan Pihak lawannya, membukanya kepada pihak ketiga lainnya untuk maksud apapun selain yang diperbolehkan berdasarkan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku.

Terjemahan Bahasa Inggris dari Syarat dan Ketentuan ini dibuat hanya untuk membantu Pelanggan mengerti isi Syarat dan Ketentuan. Oleh karena itu apabila disuatu hari ada permasalahan yang timbul maka Para Pihak sepakat bahwa Syarat dan Ketentuan dengan bahasa Indonesia yang berlaku dan mengikat bagi Para Pihak.

Pasal 12

CBNCloud memberikan jaminan kepada Pelanggan untuk dapat menggunakan Layanan selama 24 (dua puluh empat jam) setiap harinya, dengan kondisi layanan minimal 99,5%, atau maksimal total downtime 3 jam 36 menit setiap 30 (tigapuluh) hari kalender

Pelanggan berhak untuk mendapatkan penyesuaian tagihan atau restitusi apabila terjadi downtime yang akan diperhitungkan pada tagihan bulan berikutnya dengan perhitungan penyesuaian sebagai berikut

SLB = (hM – Dt) x 100% hM

R = ( SLA – SLB) x MC

Dt = jumlah downtime (jam/menit) dalam satu bulan kalender

hM = jumlah waktu (jam/menit) dalam satu bulan kalender

MC = biaya bulanan

SLB = Service Level yang terjadi perbulan

SLA = Service Level Agreement (99,5%)

R = Jumlah Restitusi yang diberikan

Restitusi yang dimaksud dalam ayat ini tidak berlaku dalam hal keadaan Force Majeure dan downtime disebabkan kelalaian Pelanggan
Pelanggan wajib memberikan pemberitahuan tertulis selambat-lambatnya 30 hari dan sesegera mungkin memberitahukan via email, faksimili maupun telepon sejak terjadinya downtime
Restitusi hanya dapat dihitung pada waktu dimana downtime terjadi
Restitusi dikompensasikan sebagai penyesuaian kredit pada tagihan bulan berikutnya

Pasal 13

CBNCloud memberikan jaminan kepada Pelanggan untuk dapat menggunakan Layanan CBNCloud selama 24 (dua puluh empat jam) setiap harinya, dengan kondisi layanan minimal 99,5%, atau maksimal total downtime 3 jam 36 menit setiap 30 (tigapuluh) hari kalender

Pelanggan berhak untuk mendapatkan penambahan masa berlangganan atau restitusi apabila terjadi downtime lebih dari Service Level Agreement yang diberikan dengan perhitungan sebagai berikut:

R = Dt – DtSLAmax

R = Penambahan masa berlangganan (dalam hitungan jam-menit-detik)

Dt = Jumlah downtime yang terjadi selama berlangganan (dalam hitungan jam- menit-detik)

DtSLAmax = jumlah maksimal downtime yang dijanjikan menurut Service Level Agreement dikalikan jumlah bulan masa berlangganan sesuai jenis paket prabayar yang digunakan (dalam hitungan jam-menit-detik)

Apabila jumlah penambahan masa berlangganan kurang dari 24 jam, maka penambahan masa berlangganan yang diberikan adalah selama 1 (satu) hari


Pelanggan A berlangganan layanan dengan prabayar paket 1 bulan
Downtime yang terjadi selama Pelanggan A berlangganan adalah 5 jam 36 menit

Maka perhitungan penambahan masa berlangganan yang diperoleh A adalah sebagai berikut

Dt = 5 jam 36 menit
DtSLAmax = 3 jam 36 menit x 1 = 3 jam 36 menit

Penambahan masa berlangganan adalah
R = Dt – DtSLAmax
= 5 jam 36 menit – 3 jam 36 menit = 2 jam

Dikarenakan R = 2 jam = kurang dari 24 jam, maka penambahan masa berlangganan yang diberikan adalah selama 1 (satu) hari

Restitusi yang dimaksud dalam ayat ini tidak berlaku dalam hal keadaan Force Majeure dan kerusakan disebabkan kelalaian Pelanggan
Pelanggan wajib memberikan pemberitahuan tertulis selambat-lambatnya 30 hari dan sesegera mungkin memberitahukan via email, faksimili maupun telepon sejak terjadinya downtime
Restitusi hanya dapat dihitung pada waktu dimana downtime terjadi

Terms And Conditions

(for Software as a Service)

This Terms and Conditions applied only for CBNCloud Customer’s as registered on CBNCloud Registration Form therefore Customer agree to obey all of regulation and prevailing provisions in the use of Services provided by CBNCloud, with the terms as follow:

Article 1

"Customer" is the Party who register of the Service or the Party given by authority to register of the Service provided by CBNCloud.
"CBNCloud" is the Cloud Computing Company, established based on the regulation of legislation Republic of Indonesia, and hereby act as a provider of the Service, based on Registration Form accepted by CBNCloud.
"CBNCloud Registration Form" is a form which used by the Customer to register the Cloud Computing Service’s, this form is compulsory to fill by Customer before the Activation process started
"Activation Report" is written document given by CBNCloud to Customer, informing that the Service already activated.
"Downtime" is a temporary condition which caused disconnection of the Service that is used by Customer, which caused by interruption occurred in Infrastructure and network system of CBNCloud.
"Username" is a Customer's unique identity given by CBNCloud to access the Service and will given by CBNCloud when the Customer register of the Service.
"CBNCloud Software as a service" hereinafter referred to as the Service, is a cloud computing service’s provided by CBNCloud with the variant software application in database of CBNCloud, Customer not necessary to by the Licenses of Software or adding equipment to use the service because the software is already availble is in virtual system database of CBNCloud

Article 2

CBNCloud agree to provide facilities of the Service’s in this form of CBNCloud Software As a Service including but not limited to all of derivative product based on Registration Form which had been submitted by Customer to CBNCloud.
Facilities of the Service’s provided by CBNCloud will be conducted in accordance with technical configuration previously agreed by the Parties

Article 3

Activation of the Service will be conducted after the Customer sign the Registration Form and settle the Payment. Activation of the service will be evidenced by the signed Activation Report by the Parties.
CBNCloud will only provide application limited to the software application therefore Customer obliged to take responsibility for all activities on behalf of the respective Username and the secrecy of the Password, including the use of modifications and distribution of other applications that is performed by the Customer and legal responsibilities (either claim or suit) arising from such activites
Customer using the facilities of the CBNCloud Software As a Service with the information as detailed in Registration Form and in the attachments (if any).
CBNCloud shall not be responsible for the decrease of the service quality as the result of Customer equipment performance including of the internet network Connection that required to use the Service’s, error or incompatibility of Service’s on any third party, internet backbone problems, or in case of emergency security measure and other events occurred beyond CBNCloud capability as the Services provider (force majeure).
CBNCloud shall take responsibility for the quality of the Service used by Customer based on the Service Level Agreement in every CBNCloud Service as mentioned in Service Level Agreement section of this Terms and Condition.
Customer hereby understands and aware of any risk on using the Service’s or incapability of the Service’s provided, therefore Customer releases CBNCloud for any claim of loss or responsibility due to such risk.

Article 4

Customer Rights and Obligation:
Customer is not allowed to assign the Service used to any third party or any unauthorized party in this Terms and Conditions without prior written notice from CBNCloud;
During the time of Service subscription Customer shall make a backup and or copies of data or the information including documents contained in the Service
Customer hereby grant approval to CBNCloud or its representative to conduct schedule maintenance or other activities, which are deem necessary to improve Service Quality and internal security. Schedule maintenance shall be informed with the written notification to Customer;
Customer shall have the obligation to appoint administrator to become technical contact person representing Customer to communicate with CBNCloud regarding the management of the Service used.
Customer may request to change the service(either upgrade or downgrade), by priorly request made in writing to CBNCloud at the latest 14 (fourteen) calendar days prior the requested Service change date. Change shall be effective by the 1st (first) working day of the preceding month and Customer shall pay any costs required due to change of the Service requested.
Customer has the rights to enjoy the benefit of the Services in accordance with the respective Service’s and in accordance with the prevailing laws of the Republic of Indonesia.
CBNCloud Rights and Obligation
CBNCloud shall provide the Service according to This Terms and Conditions.
CBNCloud shall not disclose or use any data, documents, information or records, in whatever form or medium, regarding the existence of this Terms and Conditions, the matters covered in this Terms and Conditions (the “Confidential Information”) or connected to the Customer, except for the purpose of police investigation by the Police of the Republic of Indonesia or other conditions pursuant of the prevailing laws and regulations if the disclosure of the Confidential Information required by the prevailing laws and regulations, then CBNCloud has to inform the Customer about such disclosure immediately.
CBNCloud reserves the rights to temporary disconnect the service during or as a result of Force Majeure, which could harm CBNCloud or Customer or as the result of Custumer failure to settle the payment of the Service used by Customer
CBNCloud responsible to conduct the maintenance and repair limited only to damage or interruption of facilities of the Service provided by CBNCloud, if the damage or interruption caused by the fault, or omission conducted by Customer, CBNCloud has the rights to charge of the repair fee in as agreed by Parties.
CBNCloud shall not be liable of the accuracy, confidentiality, or the quality of the Information was distributed by Customer using the CBNCloud Service.
CBNCloud shall not be liable for the damages incurrec by Customer caused by use of the Service.

Pasal 5

CBNCloud only acknowledge this Subscription Terms and Conditions as its engagement base with the Customer in providing the Service therefore if in the future there have been dispute with another party or third party who is not authorized in this Terms and Conditions, CBNCloud shall be released from any legal claim or lawsuits arising out from such dispute.

Pasal 6

There are some Prohibited activities in using the Service, as follows:

Customer is prohibited to use partially or in whole of intelectual property rights contained in this Terms and Conditions even the Intelectual property rights owned by CBNCloud or another user of the Service without written consent of the respective party
Customer shall not conduct any unauthorized access which may inflict damage including but not limited to hacking or spamming or any unauthorized measure that may cause disturbance to other user in using the Service
Customer is not allowed to save, to share, and to use any material contain, offend and related with pornografi, the sentiment of tribes, religion, human traficking, gambling, and any other measure that is in general contradict to the prevailing laws of the Republic of Indonesia
Customers is prohibited from conducting activities are that may harm and damage other party who are using CBNCloud Service
Customer is prohibited to commit forgery of identity in any manner that causing inconvenience to the interested party
Customer is not allowed to perform any actions that cause interference on the infrastructure, network and system of CBNCloud

Pasal 7

This Service’s is valid for 12 (twelve) months since from the date as stipulated in the Activation Report (The Service Period)
The Service Period as described in subsection (1) will automatically extended for the subsequent 12 (twelve) months and Customer will be informed in 14 (fourteen) calender days prior to the expiration of the Service Period

Pasal 8

Customer shall pay Registration and Installation Fee, which should be made in advance before the Services active and based on invoice received by the Customer.
Customer shall pay Subscription Fee each month, based in the invoice bill received by Customer from CMP and shall be paid no later than 25th (twenty fifth) of the month.
Extra Charge (plus administration fee required) for any extra service requested by Customer.
All fees and/or cost stipulated on this Terms and Conditions exclude taxes and shall be borne by the Parties according to the prevailing laws and regulations.
CBNCloud berhak untuk melakukan pemutusan sementara terhadap Layanan beserta fasilitas-fasilias yang digunakan oleh Pelanggan, jika diketahui Pelanggan telah melakukan kelalaian berupa kewajiban pembayaran berdasarkan faktur yang diterima Pelanggan.

Pasal 9

If the Customer wish to terminate the Service before the expiration of the Service Period, Customer shall give prior notification 14 (fourteen) calendar days before the end of the expiration date and shall pay total subscription fee for any period unused.
CBN has the rights to suspend or terminate the Internet Service under the Following condition:
Customer’s negligence to paying obligations in accordance with the procedures specified by the CBNCloud
Customers have been violations of restrictions as is stipulated in the Terms and Conditions;
request has been made by Indonesian authority which required for official investigation of serious criminal action or any violation of Indonesian Laws.
Notification shall be made prior to disconnection9.3 Segala hak dan kewajiban yang masih menjadi tanggung jawab Masing-masing Pihak yang belum terselesaikan dan telah timbul sebelum diakhirinya Syarat dan Ketentuan tetap menjadi tanggung jawab Masing-masing Pihak untuk menyelesaikannya.9.3 Any rights and obligations of each of the Parties which have not been exercised or fulfilled, shall remain the responsibilities of each Party.
Any rights and obligations of each of the parties which have not been exercised or fulfilled, shall remain the responsibilities of each Party.
The Parties agree to expressly waive the provisions of article 1266 and 1267 of the Indonesian Civil Code

Pasal 10

Clause dan the implementation of the Terms and Conditions shal governed under the law of the Republic of Indonesia.
Any dispute between CBNClod and Customer, arising from or in connection with this Terms and Conditions ("dispute"), shall be settled by mutual discussions between the Parties.
If CBNCloud and Customer can not settle such dispute by mutual discussion, CBNCloud and Customer agreed to settle such dispute through South Jakarta District Court

Pasal 11


Each of the Parties is not liable for the delay or failure to fulfill its responsibility, caused by the following matters:

  1. Natural disaster, fire, earthquake, flood, landslide;
  2. An epidemic disease;
  3. War, civil war, rebellion, riots, lootings, sabotage, bombings, disturbance as the result of terrorism act;
  4. Company take over or confiscation by the Government or the authority, and;
  5. The enforcement or amendment of laws and regulations;

All which have a direct effect toward the implementation of the terms and conditions of this This Terms and Conditions.

On the event where a Party experiencing force majeure, soon after taking maximum measurements and still is unable to tulfill the Terms and Conditions, therefore the Parties shall conduct a negotiation to resolve the problem for the best solution for both Parties.



Every Party who knows that every Information obtained regarding or related to the activity of its counterpart, which was received as the effect of the conduct of this Contract is the information under secrecy of the information, which may consider by the counterpart under secrecy. Therefore each Party must preserve the secrecy of the information and shall not, without the consent of the other Party (the counterpart) disclose the information to the third party for any purpose other than which was permitted to by the prevailing Law.

The English translation of This Terms and Conditions is made to assist Customer in understanding the content of This Terms and Conditions If Any dispute arise regarding the execution of This Terms and Conditions, The Parties shall agree that the bahasa Indonesia version shall govern and bind to The Parties

Pasal 12

CBNCloud will guarantee the Customer to use the CBNCloud Service for 24 (twenty four) hours each days, with the Srvice condition of a minimum 99,5% (ninety nine point five percent) or a maximum total downtime of 3 hours 36 minutes every 30 (thirty) calendar days

The Customer is entitled to a fee adjustment in downtime occured, which will be calculated in the subsequent month’s fee with the formula as follows :

SLB = (hM – Dt) x 100% hM

R = ( SLA – SLB) x MC

Dt = the amount of downtime (hour/minute) in one month calendar

hM = amount of time (hour/minute) in one month calendar

MC = Monthly Charge

SLB = Actual service level permonth

SLA = Service Level Agreement (99,5%)

R = Amount of restitution given

Restitution as mentioned in this provision shall not prevail in Force Majeure event and in the event that the downtime is caused by Customer negligence .
The Customer shall give a written notification not later than 30 days and immediately inform via email, faximile or phone since the downtime occured
The restitution shall only be calculated in time when the downtime occured
Restitution will be compensated as the fee adjustment on the subsequent monthly invoice

Pasal 13

CBNCloud will guarantee the Customer to use the CBNCloud Service for 24 (twenty four) hours each days, with the Srvice condition of a minimum 99,5% (ninety nine point five percent) or a maximum total downtime of 3 hours 36 minutes every 30 (thirty) calendar days

The Customer shall be entitled to subscription period extention or restitution if downtime occured more then the guaranteed Service Level Agreement , which will be calculated with the formula as follows :

R = Dt – DtSLAmax

R = subscription period extention (hour-minute- second based)

Dt = amount of downtime occured during subscription period (hour-minute- second based)

DtSLAmax = maximum amount of downtime guaranteed based on the Service Level Agreement multiplied by amount of months according to prepaid packages used

If the subscription period extention less than 24 hours, then the subscription period extention given will be 1 day


Customer A is subscribing a 1 month prepaid packages service
Occured downtime during Customer A subscription period is 5 hours 36 minutes

the calculation of subcription period extention given to A is as follows

Dt = 5 hours 36 minutes
DtSLAmax = 3 hours 36 minutes x 1 = 3 hours 36 minutes

subcription period extention shall be
R = Dt – DtSLAmax
= 5 hours 36 minutes-3 hours 36 minutes = 2 hours

Due to the reason that R = 2 hours = less then 24 hours, the subscription period extention shall be 24 hours

Restitution as mentioned in this provision shall not prevail in Force Majeure event and in the event that the downtime is caused by Customer negligence
The Customer shall give a written notification not later than 30 days and immediately inform via email, faximile or phone since the downtime occured
The restitution shall only be calculated in time when the downtime occured

Microsoft Cloud Agreement

This Microsoft Cloud Agreement is entered into between the entity you represent, or, if you do not designate an entity in connection with a Subscription purchase or renewal, you individually ("Customer"), and Microsoft Regional Sales Corporation ("Microsoft"). It consists of the terms and conditions below, Use Rights, SLA, and all documents referenced within those documents (together, the “agreement”). It is effective on the date that your Reseller provisions your Subscription. Key terms are defined in Section 10.

1. Grants, rights and terms.

All rights granted under this agreement are non-exclusive and non-transferable and apply as long as neither Customer nor any of its Affiliates is in material breach of this agreement.

Software. Upon acceptance of each order, Microsoft grants Customer a limited right to use the Software in the quantities ordered.
Use Rights. The Use Rights in effect when Customer orders Software will apply to Customer's use of the version of the Software that is current at the time. For future versions and new Software, the Use Rights in effect when those versions and Software are first released will apply. Changes Microsoft makes to the Use Rights for a particular version will not apply unless Customer chooses to have those changes apply.
Temporary and perpetual licenses. Licenses available on a subscription basis are temporary. For all other licenses, the right to use Software becomes perpetual upon payment in full.
Online Services. Customer may use the Online Services as provided in this agreement.
Online Services Terms. The Online Services Terms in effect when Customer orders or renews a subscription to an Online Service will apply for the applicable subscription term. For Online Services that are billed periodically based on consumption, the Online Services Terms current at the start of each billing period will apply to usage during that period.
Suspension. Microsoft may suspend use of an Online Service during Customer’s violation of the Acceptable Use Policy or failure to respond to a claim of alleged infringement. Microsoft will give Customer notice before suspending an Online Service when reasonable.
End Users. Customer controls access by End Users, and is responsible for their use of the Product in accordance with this agreement. For example, Customer will ensure End Users comply with the Acceptable Use Policy.
Customer Data. Customer is solely responsible for the content of all Customer Data. Customer will secure and maintain all rights in Customer Data necessary for Microsoft to provide the Online Services to Customer without violating the rights of any third party or otherwise obligating Microsoft to Customer or to any third party. Microsoft does not and will not assume any obligations with respect to Customer Data or to Customer’s use of the Product other than as expressly set forth in this agreement or as required by applicable law.
Responsibility for your accounts. Customer is responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of any non-public authentication credentials associated with Customer’s use of the Online Services. Customer must promptly notify customer support about any possible misuse of Customer’s accounts or authentication credentials or any security incident related to the Online Services.
License transfers. License transfers are not permitted, except that Customer may transfer only fully-paid perpetual licenses to (1) an Affiliate or (2) a third party, solely in connection with the transfer of hardware or employees to whom the licenses have been assigned to the third party as part of (a) a divestiture of all or part of an Affiliate or (b) a merger involving Customer or an Affiliate. Upon such transfer, Customer and its Affiliates must uninstall and discontinue using the licensed Product and render any copies unusable. Attempted license transfers that do not comply with this agreement are void.
Reservation of rights. Products are protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights laws and international treaties. Microsoft reserves all rights not expressly granted in this agreement. No rights will be granted or implied by waiver or estoppel. Rights to access or use Software on a device do not give Customer any right to implement Microsoft patents or other Microsoft intellectual property in the device itself or in any other software or devices.
Restrictions. Customer may use the Product only in accordance with this agreement. Customer may not (and is not licensed to): (1) reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble any Product or Fix, or attempt to do so; (2) install or use non-Microsoft software or technology in any way that would subject Microsoft’s intellectual property or technology to any other license terms; or (3) work around any technical limitations in a Product or Fix or restrictions in Product documentation. Customer may not disable, tamper with, or otherwise attempt to circumvent any billing mechanism that meters Customer’s use of the Online Services. Except as expressly permitted in this agreement or Product documentation, Customer may not distribute, sublicense, rent, lease, lend, resell or transfer and Products, in whole or in part, or use them to offer hosting services to a third party.
Preview releases. Microsoft may make Previews available. Previews are provided "as-is," "with all faults," and "as-available," and are excluded from the SLA and all limited warranties provided in this agreement. Previews may not be covered by customer support. Previews may be subject to reduced or different security, compliance, and privacy commitments, as further explained in the Online Services Terms and any additional notices provided with the Preview. Microsoft may change or discontinue Previews at any time without notice. Microsoft also may choose not to release a Preview into “General Availability.”
Verifying compliance for Products.
Right to verify compliance. Customer must keep records relating to all use and distribution of Products by Customer and its Affiliates. Microsoft has the right, at its expense, to verify compliance with the Products’ license terms. Customer must promptly provide any information reasonably requested by the independent auditors retained by Microsoft in furtherance of the verification, including access to systems running the Products and evidence of licenses for Products that Customer hosts, sublicenses, or distributes to third parties. Customer agrees to complete Microsoft’s self-audit process, which Microsoft may request as an alternative to a third party audit.
Remedies for non-compliance. If verification or self-audit reveals any unlicensed use of Products, then within 30 days (1) Customer must order sufficient licenses to cover its use, and (2) if unlicensed use is 5% or more, Customer must reimburse Microsoft for the costs Microsoft incurred in verification and acquire the necessary additional licenses at 125% of the price, based on the then-current price last and customer price level. The unlicensed use percentage is based on the total number of licenses purchased for current use compared to the actual installed base. If there is no unlicensed use, Microsoft will not subject Customer to another verification for at least one year. By exercising the rights and procedures described above, Microsoft does not waive its rights to enforce this agreement or to protect its intellectual property by any other legal means.
Verification process. Microsoft will notify Customer at least 30 days in advance of its intent to verify Customers’ compliance with the license terms for the Products Customer and its Affiliates use or distribute. Microsoft will engage an independent auditor, which will be subject to a confidentiality obligation. Any information collected in the self-audit will be used solely for purposes of determining compliance. This verification will take place during normal business hours and in a manner that does not unreasonably interfere with Customer’s operations.

2. Subscriptions, ordering.

Choosing a Reseller. Customer must choose and maintain a Reseller authorized within its region. If Microsoft or Reseller chooses to discontinue doing business with each other, Customer must choose a replacement Reseller or purchase a Subscription directly from Microsoft, which may require Customer to accept different terms.
Available Subscription offers. The Subscription offers available to Customer will be established by its Reseller and generally can be categorized as one or a combination of the following:
Online Services Commitment Offering. Customer commits in advance to purchase a specific quantity of Online Services for use during a Term and to pay upfront or on a periodic basis for continued use of the Online Service.
Consumption Offering (also called Pay-As-You-Go). Customer pays based on actual usage with no upfront commitment.
Limited Offering. Customer receives a limited quantity of Online Services for a limited term without charge (for example, a free trial) or as part of another Microsoft offering (for example, MSDN). Provisions in this agreement with respect to the SLA and data retention may not apply.
Software Commitment Offering. Customer commits in advance to purchase a specific quantity of Software for use during a Term and to pay upfront or on a periodic basis for continued use of the Software.
Orders must be placed through Customer’s designated Reseller. Customer may place orders for its Affiliates under this agreement and grant its Affiliates administrative rights to manage the Subscription, but, Affiliates may not place orders under this agreement. Customer also may assign the rights granted under Section 1.a and 1.b to a third party for use by that third party in Customer’s internal business. If Customer grants any rights to Affiliates or third parties with respect to Software or Customer’s Subscription, such Affiliates or third parties will be bound by this agreement and Customer agrees to be jointly and severally liable for any actions of such Affiliates or third parties related to their use of the Products.
Customer's Reseller may permit Customer to modify the quantity of Online Services ordered during the Term of a Subscription. Additional quantities of Online Services added to a Subscription will expire at the end of that Subscription.
Pricing and payment. Prices for each Product and any terms and conditions for invoicing and payment will be established by Customer’s Reseller.
Upon renewal of a Subscription, Customer may be required to sign a new agreement, a supplemental agreement or an amendment to this agreement.
Customer's Subscription will automatically renew unless Customer provides its Reseller with notice of its intent not to renew prior to the expiration of the Term.
Eligibility for Academic, Government and Nonprofit versions. Customer agrees that if it is purchasing an academic, government or nonprofit offer, Customer meets the respective eligibility requirements listed at the following sites:
For academic offers, the requirements for educational institutions (including administrative offices or boards of education, public libraries, or public museums) listed at;
For government offers, the requirements listed at; and
For nonprofit offers, the requirements listed at

Microsoft reserves the right to verify eligibility at any time and suspend the Online Service if the eligibility requirements are not met.

Taxes. The parties are not liable for any of the taxes of the other party that the other party is legally obligated to pay and which are incurred or arise in connection with or related to the transactions contemplated under this agreement, and all such taxes will be the financial responsibility of the party who is obligated by operation of law to pay such tax.

3. Term, termination.

Agreement term and termination. This agreement will remain in effect until the expiration or termination of Customer’s Subscription, whichever is earliest. Customer may terminate this agreement at any time by contacting its Reseller. The expiration or termination of this agreement will only terminate Customer’s right to place new orders for additional Products under this agreement.
Termination for cause. If either party breaches this Agreement, the other party may terminate the breached agreement (in whole or in part, including orders) upon notice. If the breach is curable within 30 days, then the terminating party must provide 30 days’ notice to the breaching party and an opportunity to cure the breach.
Cancel a Subscription. Customer’s Reseller will establish the terms and conditions, if any, upon which Customer may cancel a Subscription.
To the extent necessary to implement the termination provisions of this agreement, both parties waive any rights they have, or obligation that they may have, now or in the future under any applicable law or regulation, to request or obtain the approval, order, decision or judgment of any court to terminate this agreement.

4. Security, privacy, and data protection.

Reseller Administrator Access and Customer Data. Customer acknowledges and agrees that
once Customer has chosen a Reseller, that Reseller will be the primary administrator of the Online Services for the Term and will have administrative privileges and access to Customer Data, however, Customer may request additional administrator privileges from its Reseller;
Customer can, at its sole discretion and at any time during the Term, terminate its Reseller’s administrative privileges;
Reseller’s privacy practices with respect to Customer Data or any services provided by Reseller are subject to the terms of Customer’s agreement with its Reseller and may differ from Microsoft’s privacy practices; and
Reseller may collect, use, transfer, disclose, and otherwise process Customer Data, including personal data. Customer consents to Microsoft providing Reseller with Customer Data and information that Customer provides to Microsoft for purposes of ordering, provisioning and administering the Online Services.
Customer consents to the processing of personal information by Microsoft and its agents to facilitate the subject matter of this agreement. Customer may choose to provide personal information to Microsoft on behalf of third parties (including your contacts, resellers, distributors, administrators, and employees) as part of this agreement. Customer will obtain all required consents from third parties under applicable privacy and data protection laws before providing personal information to Microsoft.
Additional privacy and security details are in the Online Services Terms. The commitments made in the Online Services Terms only apply to the Online Services purchased under this agreement and not to any services or products provided by a Reseller. If Customer uses software or services that are hosted by a Reseller, that use will be subject to Reseller’s privacy practices, which may differ from Microsoft's.
As and to the extent required by law, Customer shall notify the individual users of the Online Services that their data may be processed for the purpose of disclosing it to law enforcement or other governmental authorities as directed by Reseller or as required by law, and Customer shall obtain the users’ consent to the same.
Customer appoints Reseller as its agent for purposes of interfacing with and providing instructions to Microsoft for purposes of this Section 4.

5. Warranties.

Limited warranty.
Software. Microsoft warrants that each version of the Software will perform substantially as described in the applicable Product documentation for one year from the date Customer is first licensed for that version. If it does not, and Customer notifies Microsoft within the warranty term, then Microsoft will, at its option, (1) return the price Customer paid for the Software license or (2) repair or replace the Software.
Online Services. Microsoft warrants that each Online Service will perform in accordance with the applicable SLA during Customer’s use. Customer’s remedies for breach of this warranty are in the SLA.

The remedies above are Customer’s sole remedies for breach of the warranties in this section. Customer waives any breach of warranty claims not made during the warranty period.

Exclusions. The warranties in this agreement do not apply to problems caused by accident, abuse or use inconsistent with this agreement, including failure to meet minimum system requirements. These warranties do not apply to free or trial products, Previews, Limited Offerings, or to components of Products that Customer is permitted to redistribute.
Disclaimer. Except for the limited warranties above, Microsoft provides no warranties or conditions for Products and disclaims any other express, implied, or statutory warranties for Products, including warranties of quality, title, non-infringement, merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.

6. Defense of third party claims.

The parties will defend each other against the third-party claims described in this section and will pay the amount of any resulting adverse final judgment or approved settlement, but only if the defending party is promptly notified in writing of the claim and has the right to control the defense and any settlement of it.

The party being defended must provide the defending party with all requested assistance, information, and authority. The defending party will reimburse the other party for reasonable out-of-pocket expenses it incurs in providing assistance. This section describes the parties’ sole remedies and entire liability for such claims.

By Microsoft. Microsoft will defend Customer against any third-party claim to the extent it alleges that a Product or Fix made available by Microsoft for a fee and used within the scope of the license granted under this agreement (unmodified from the form provided by Microsoft and not combined with anything else), misappropriates a trade secret or directly infringes a patent, copyright, trademark or other proprietary right of a third party. If Microsoft is unable to resolve a claim of infringement under commercially reasonable terms, it may, as its option, either: (1) modify or replace the Product or fix with a functional equivalent; or (2) terminate Customer’s license and refund any prepaid license fees (less depreciation on a five-year, straight-line basis) for perpetual licenses and any amount paid for Online Services for any usage period after the termination date. Microsoft will not be liable for any claims or damages due to Customer’s continued use of a Product or Fix after being notified to stop due to a third-party claim.
By Customer. To the extent permitted by applicable law, Customer will defend Microsoft against any third-party claim to the extent it alleges that:
any Customer Data or non-Microsoft software hosted in an Online Service by Microsoft on Customer’s behalf misappropriates a trade secret or directly infringes a patent, copyright, trademark, or other proprietary right of a third party; or
Customer's use of any Product or Fix, alone or in combination with anything else, violates the law or harms a third party.

7. Limitation of liability.

For each Product, each party’s maximum, aggregate liability to the other under this agreement is limited to direct damages finally awarded in an amount not to exceed the amounts Customer was required to pay for the applicable Products during the term of this agreement, subject to the following:

Online Services. For Online Services, Microsoft’s maximum liability to Customer for any incident giving rise to a claim will not exceed the amount Customer paid for the Online Service during the 12 months before the incident; provided that in no event will Microsoft’s aggregate liability for any Online Service exceed the amount paid for that Online Service during the Subscription.
Free Products and distributable code. For Products provided free of charge and code that Customer is authorized to redistribute to third parties without separate payment to Microsoft, Microsoft's liability is limited to direct damages finally awarded up to US$5,000.
Exclusions. In no event will either party be liable for loss of revenue or indirect, special, incidental, consequential, punitive, or exemplary damages, or damages for loss of use, lost profits, revenues, business interruption, or loss of business information, however caused or on any theory of liability.
Exceptions. The limits of liability in this section apply to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, but do not apply to: (1) the parties' obligations under section 6; or (2) violation of the other's intellectual property rights.

8. Support and Professional Services.

Customer's Reseller will provide details on support services available for Products purchased under this agreement. Support services may be performed by Reseller or its designee, which in some cases may be Microsoft. If Customer purchases Professional Services under this agreement, the performance of those Professional Services will be subject to the terms and conditions in the Use Rights.

9. Miscellaneous.

Notices. You must send notices by mail, return receipt requested, to the address below.

Notices should be sent to:

Microsoft Regional Sales Corporation
Dept. 551, Volume Licensing
438B Alexandra Road, #04-09/12, Block B
Alexandra Technopark
Singapore 119968

You agree to receive electronic notices from us, which will be sent by email to the account administrator(s) named for your Subscription. Notices are effective on the date on the return receipt or, for email, when sent. You are responsible for ensuring that the email address for the account administrator(s) named for your Subscription is accurate and current. Any email notice that we send to that email address will be effective when sent, whether or not you actually receive the email.

Assignment. You may not assign this agreement either in whole or in part. Microsoft may transfer this agreement without your consent, but only to one of Microsoft’s Affiliates. Any prohibited assignment is void.
Severability. If any part of this agreement is held unenforceable, the rest remains in full force and effect.
Waiver. Failure to enforce any provision of this agreement will not constitute a waiver.
No agency. This agreement does not create an agency, partnership, or joint venture.
No third-party beneficiaries. There are no third-party beneficiaries to this agreement.
Use of contractors. Microsoft may use contractors to perform services, but will be responsible for their performance, subject to the terms of this agreement.
Microsoft as an independent contractor. The parties are independent contractors. Customer and Microsoft each may develop products independently without using the other’s confidential information.
Agreement not exclusive. Customer is free to enter into agreements to license, use or promote non-Microsoft products or services.
Applicable law and venue. This agreement is governed by Washington law, without regard to its conflict of laws principles. Subject to sections (i) and (ii) below, if Microsoft brings an action to enforce this agreement, Microsoft will bring it in the jurisdiction where Customer has its headquarters. If Customer brings an action to enforce this agreement, Customer will bring it in the State of Washington, U.S.A. This choice of jurisdiction does not prevent either party from seeking injunctive relief with respect to a violation of intellectual property rights.
If Customer’s principal place of business is in Brunei, Malaysia or Singapore, Customer consents to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Singapore courts.
If Customer's principal place of business is in Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Macau SAR, the People's Republic of China, Sri Lanka, Thailand, The Philippines, or Vietnam, any dispute arising out of or in connection with this agreement, including any question regarding its existence, validity or termination, shall be referred to and finally resolved by arbitration in Singapore in accordance with the Arbitration Rules of the Singapore International Arbitration Centre (“SIAC”), which rules are deemed to be incorporated by reference into this subsection. The Tribunal shall consist of one arbitrator to be appointed by the Chairman of SIAC. The language of the arbitration shall be English. The decision of the arbitrator shall be final, binding and incontestable and may be used as a basis for judgment thereon in the above-named countries or elsewhere. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, the parties waive their right to any form of appeal or other similar recourse to a court of law. For the purpose of this agreement only, the People's Republic of China does not include Hong Kong SAR, Macau SAR and Taiwan.
Entire agreement. This agreement is the entire agreement concerning its subject matter and supersedes any prior or concurrent communications. In the case of a conflict between any documents in this agreement that is not expressly resolved in those documents, their terms will control in the following order of descending priority: (1) this agreement, (2) the Product Terms, (3) the Online Services Terms, and (4) any other documents in this agreement.
Survival. All provisions survive termination of this agreement except those requiring performance only during the term of the agreement.
U.S. export jurisdiction. Products are subject to U.S. export jurisdiction. Customer must comply with all applicable international and national laws, including the U.S. Export Administration Regulations, the International Traffic in Arms Regulations, and end-user, end-use and destination restrictions issued by U.S. and other governments related to Microsoft products, services, and technologies.
Force majeure. Neither party will be liable for any failure in performance due to causes beyond that party’s reasonable control (such as fire, explosion, power blackout, earthquake, flood, severe storms, strike, embargo, labor disputes, acts of civil or military authority, war, terrorism (including cyber terrorism), acts of God, acts or omissions of Internet traffic carriers, actions or omissions of regulatory or governmental bodies (including the passage of laws or regulations or other acts of government that impact the delivery of Online Services)). This Section will not, however, apply to your payment obligations under this agreement.
Contracting authority. If you are an individual accepting these terms on behalf of an entity, you represent that you have the legal authority to enter into this agreement on that entity’s behalf.
Government customers should consult with Microsoft. Government customers should consult with Microsoft prior to acceptance. If Customer is a government customer, before accepting this agreement, Customer should consult with its Microsoft representative to assure full compliance with local laws and governmental procurement processes.
Consumer remedies. The following provision is only applicable to customers in Australia:

Notwithstanding anything in this agreement, consumers may have the benefit of certain, rights or remedies pursuant to the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth) and similar state and territory laws in Australia in respect of which liability may not be excluded. If so, then to the maximum extent permitted by law, such liability is limited, at Microsoft’s option, in the case of goods to either (1) replacement of the goods or (2) correction of defects in the goods, and in the case of services to either (1) resupply of the services or (2) the cost of the resupply of the services. Australian law requires Microsoft to notify consumer purchasers of Microsoft goods that: "Microsoft’s goods come with guarantees that cannot be excluded under the Australian Consumer Law. Customer is entitled to a replacement or refund for a major failure and compensation for any other reasonably foreseeable loss or damage. Customer is also entitled to have the goods repaired or replaced if the goods fail to be of acceptable quality and the failure does not amount to a major failure."

Statutory liability. The following provision is only applicable to customers in New Zealand.
Business. Where Microsoft acts as a “supplier” (as that term is defined in the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 ("CGA")) of a Product, Customer confirms that the Product provided by Microsoft under this agreement is acquired for the purposes of a business (as that term is defined in the CGA) and that the CGA does not apply to the Product supplied by Microsoft.
Consumers. Nothing in this agreement is intended to limit the rights of a "consumer" under the CGA where that Act applies, except to the extent permitted by that Act, and the terms of this agreement are to be modified to the extent necessary to give effect to this intention.

10. Definitions.

Any reference in this agreement to “day” will be a calendar day.

"Acceptable Use Policy" is set forth in the Online Services Terms.

"Affiliate" means any legal entity that a party owns, that owns a party, or that is under common ownership with a party. “Ownership” means, for purposes of this definition, control of more than a 50% interest in an entity.

"Consumption Offering", "Commitment Offering", or "Limited Offering" describe categories of Subscription offers and are defined in Section 2.

"Customer Data" is defined in the Online Services Terms.

"End User" means any person you permit to access Customer Data hosted in the Online Services or otherwise use the Online Services.

"Fix" means a Product fix, modifications or enhancements, or their derivatives, that Microsoft either releases generally (such as Product service packs) or provides to Customer to address a specific issue.

"Licensing Site" means or a successor site.

"Non-Microsoft Product" is defined in the Online Services Terms.

"Online Services" means any of the Microsoft-hosted online services subscribed to by Customer under this agreement, including Microsoft Dynamics Online Services, Office 365 Services, Microsoft Azure Services, or Microsoft Intune Online Services.

"Online Services Terms" means the additional terms that apply to Customer’s use of Online Services published on the Licensing Site and updated from time to time.

"Previews" means preview, beta, or other pre-release version or feature of the Online Services or Software offered by Microsoft to obtain customer feedback.

"Product" means all products identified in the Product Terms, such as all Software, Online Services and other web-based services, including Previews.

"Product Terms" means the document that provides information about Microsoft Products and Professional Services available through volume licensing. The Product Terms document is published on the Licensing Site and is updated from time to time.

"Professional Services" means Product support services and Microsoft consulting services provided to Customer under this agreement. "Professional Services" does not include Online Services.

"Reseller" means an entity authorized by Microsoft to resell Software licenses and Online Service Subscriptions under this program and engaged by you to provide assistance with your Subscription.

"SLA" means Service Level Agreement, which specifies the minimum service level for the Online Services and is published on the Licensing Site.

"Software" means licensed copies of Microsoft software identified on the Product Terms. Software does not include Online Services, but Software may be a part of an Online Service.

"Subscription" means an enrollment for Online Services for a defined Term as established by your Reseller.

Term" means the duration of a Subscription (e.g., 30 days or 12 months).

"Use Rights" means the use rights or terms of service for each Product published on the Licensing Site and updated from time to time. The Use Rights supersede the terms of any end user license agreement that accompanies a Product. The Use Rights for Software are published by Microsoft in the Product Terms. The Use Rights for Online Services are published in the Online Services Terms.

Invoice dan Faktur Pajak

Customer akan mendapatkan PDF invoice dan faktur pajak setiap awal bulan berikutnya dari masa bulan pemakaian layanan.
Contoh: Pemakaian Layanan Bulan April 2020 maka Invoice dan faktur pajaknya akan terbit dibulan berikutnya yaitu Bulan Mei 2020.
Untuk PDF Invoice dan faktur pajak dapat di download di member Center Akses Link :
Seluruh tagihan kami akan dikenakan Biaya Materai sesuai dengan peraturan pemerintah No 24 Tahun 2000.
Invoice Bermaterai dapat didownload pada tanggal 15 setiap bulan.
Untuk permintaan pengiriman via hardcopy mohon untuk dapat menghubungi Tim Finance kami melalui Tiket pada Member Center atau Whatsapp kami dinomor 0877-6933-2373 (Chat Only).

Pemotongan Pajak PPh Pasal 23

Sesuai Undang-Undang Perpajakan, untuk seluruh jasa layanan kami temasuk dalam PPh Pasal 23.
Tarif PPh Pasal 23 atas layanan kami ialah 2% dari nilai Dasar Pengenaan Pajak (DPP).
Untuk bukti potong PPh 23 yang masih di cap dan tanda tangan basah harap dikirimkan ke alamat kantor kami sbb :
PT. Cyberindo Mega Persada
Cyber 2 Tower Lantai 8
Jl. HR Rasuna Said X-5 No.13
Jakarta Selatan 12950
Telepon : (021) 2996 4977
UP : finance
Apabila Bukti potong yang diterbitkan customer sudah E-Bukpot dapat dikirimkan via email ke
Apabila kami sudah menerima Bukti potong PPh 23 tersebut, maka kami akan menambahkan nominal deposit customer secara otomatis sesuai dengan jumlah PPh 23 yang dipotong (Maksimal 3 hari kerja).

Email Notifikasi Reminder Top Up Deposit

Customer akan menerima email reminder I otomatis apabila nominal deposit sudah mencapai 20% dari nilai tagihan bulanan layanan
Customer akan menerima email reminder II otomatis apabila nominal deposit sudah mencapai 10% dari nilai tagihan bulanan layanan
Customer akan menerima email reminder III otomatis apabila nominal deposit sudah mencapai 5% dari nilai tagihan bulanan layanan
Layanan akan otomatis disuspend apabila deposit customer sudah tidak mencukupi / habis.
Untuk mengetahui informasi perihal sisa nominal deposit dapat dicek di Member Center (Link Websitenya belum ada).

Pengaktifan Layanan Kembali Setelah Disuspend

Layanan customer akan disuspend / dinonaktifkan kembali sementara apabila deposit customer sudah tidak mencukupi / habis.
Apabila sudah melakukan top up deposit kembali maka layanan akan otomatis aktif kembali (Unsuspend).
Khusus Top Up Layanan via Bank Transfer (Manual) mohon untuk dapat menguplod bukti transfer di Menu Member Center dan akan diaktifkan kembali jika pembayaran sudah dicek oleh Rekan Finance kami.
Apabila 2 x 24 jam setelah melakukan Top Up Deposit layanan belum dapat dipergunakan kembali, mohon untuk dapat menghubungi Rekan Supprt kami di

Pengembalian Dana Deposit

Refund dana deposit dapat dikembalikan apabila penutupan layanan sudah disetujui oleh Rekan Sales.
Customer akan dihubungi oleh rekan Finance kami untuk dapat mengirimkan nomor rekening tujuan untuk pengembalian dana deposit.
Biaya administrasi atas pengembalian deposit akan diinformasikan kembali oleh rekan Finance
Proses Pengembalian Dana akan diproses sekitar 5-10 hari kerja setelah Customer mengirimkan nomor rekening tujuan pengembalian deposit
Nominal minimal deposit yang dapat direfund ialah Rp. 10,000 (Sepuluh ribu rupiah) sesudah dikurangi biaya administrasi.